Holy and Pleasing or Trashed?
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1.
It never ceases to amaze me how we will meticulously take care of our automobiles but completely neglect our bodies.
Only to act surprised and shocked when our health takes a nosedive after years of filling our body with junk food while starving it of exercise and proper nutrition.
The body we have is the body we've earned.
Would you be surprised if your car quit running if you never changed the oil or took it in for a tune up?
During your lifetime you will have multiple cars, but only one body.
Without proper care and maintenance it will break down and rust just like a car.
According to the latest statistics, most of us are not treating our bodies like they are holy.
As a country 36.5% of adults are considered clinically obese and 76% are overweight.
Not acceptable. In fact SCARY.
This is a pandemic we are not talking about much since COVID has taken the front seat.
Obesity carries with it a whole host of health issues like diabetes, heart disease, joint problems and high blood pressure.
Is it time to start treating your body like a temple rather than a trash pit?
Our 12 Week Transformation System is our BEST program to make your body holy and pleasing again.
Just reply to this email to set up a consultation with us and let's get going.
Dedicated to rebuilding your temple.