Good Enough" Is Not Good Enough
Jeremiah 8:5 says "Why then has this people turned away in perpetual backsliding? They hold fast to deceit; they refuse to return"
Two of the most dangerous words are "good enough."
These words breed complacency.
You say things to yourself like...
"I've been getting to the gym and not really following a program or getting results but hey I'm getting there's good enough"
"My spouse and I haven't spent any quality time together but hey we're getting along. My marriage is...good enough."
"Yeah, I have been eating more junk than usual and having a few more drinks than I should but it's summer and you know I like to be social. It's...good enough."
There is a saying I like that says "the truth hurts and heals but lies comfort then kill."
The worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
Last week I realized that I had been deceiving myself.
I had fallen into the "good enough" mindset and it was showing up in ALL areas of my life.
It hit me between the eyes while listening to a podcast that presented a 75 day hard mental toughness challenge.
I decided to draw a line in the sand and say "no more."
For me it was joining the 75 day mental toughness challenge. It was time to get my edge back and be the person God meant me to be.
The person that people depend on me giving my best.
I wasn't made to be mediocre and neither are you
So how about you Tracy?
Do you find yourself saying "good enough" a lot lately?
Is it time to draw your line in the sand?
I want to help.
Reply to this email and let's talk.
Dedicated to helping you be your BEST,
Erik Peacock