Happy Quitter's Day!
Galatians 6:9 says "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."
Today is a big day!
The company that runs Strava (a fitness tracking app) says that by today most people who set New Year health and fitness goals will have quit.
So..."Happy Quitter's Day" to you!
The passage above tells us if we keep doing the right things we will reap the rewards. The reward for sticking with a solid nutrition and exercise plan is a healthy and lean body that functions well no matter what your age.
Unfortunately, by today at least 80% or more of us have thrown in the towel and settled for another year of failure and dashed hopes.
You do NOT have to be one of those people!
In this email, I’m going to talk about one of the MOST IMPORTANT reasons people give up on their goals.
Here's why...
They didn’t have a plan for when they slipped up.
And by slip up, I mean when they missed a workout, ate foods they weren’t "supposed to eat," stayed up too late, or somehow "failed" to follow through with their plan.
Fact: Everyone slips up from time to time! EVERYONE.
Knowing ahead of time what to do AFTER a slip up happens goes a long way toward making sure that one slip up doesn’t turn into two or twenty.
A solid post-slip up plan will help you:
- Recognize WHY it happened
- Re-evaluate your process to see if it needs to be changed
- Get back on plan ASAP
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Let’s say it’s a Thursday night and you’ve been doing GREAT all week. But as you are finishing up work for the day, all you want is to get some takeout and to veg in front of the TV instead of getting in your workout.
So that’s what you do.
And you feel a little guilt after, right? It’s time to give up!
What if instead, you took a second to figure out WHY you didn’t follow your plan: i.e., "My willpower was low because I had a long, stressful day at work, plus I was tired. I’ve been going hard all week."
And then once you realized the "why," you reevaluated. Maybe you need to:
- Add a rest day to your week
- Keep a healthy ready-to-go meal at home
- Have a short and fun "off day" workout on standby with your favorite stress-busting exercises
Then, the next day, it’s time to get back on track, with your contingency plan in place.
Now instead of the guilt, you feel EMPOWERED because you’re bulletproofing your plan.
Your fitness & wellness journey is a PROCESS. What it looks like changes over time with the seasons, your schedule, your life, and your goals.
This is a BIG area we focus on with our clients – because the fact is, these are the moments having a COACH can make or break for your goals!
In fact, it’s one of the main reasons WHY people hire coaches in the first place.
An experienced coach can help you see the bigger picture and come up with solutions to keep you on track and moving FORWARD.
One of our clients Tanya has dropped almost 70 pounds working with us. She has had do deal with COVID lockdowns, injuries, family stress and much more. But she has stayed the course. She has even gotten stronger as she has dropped weight hitting a BIG deadlift goal along the way. I'm impressed with how she has stuck with it despite all the obstacles life has thrown at her. She keeps going like the energizer bunny.
Tanya started off her journey with our 12 WEEK TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM. This program launched her into her new fit lifestyle. The first step to beginning this program is to come in for a SUCCESS SESSION where we interview you in depth to learn about your health history, lifestyle, eating habits and more. Based on that vital information you share with us, we come up with 1-2 of our BEST options for our 12 WEEK TRANSFORMATION program. If one of those options looks good to you we move forward from there.
Just reply to this email or text/call me at 952-220-2448 to take your first step to SUCCESS IN 2022 and set up your SUCCESS SESSION!