Common Mistakes People Make With Their Fitness Resolutions

Author: Puravida Fitness | | Categories: Fitness Center , Fitness Classes , Fitness Gym , Fitness Plans , Group Fitness Training

Blog by Puravida Fitness

Fitness goals are essential on several counts. These goals hold us accountable, redefine our perception of what’s possible and what isn’t, and push us through temporary pain for a longer-lasting change. But finding out a way to set fitness goals that you’ll actually want to attain can be a bit of art and a bit of science.

However, the problem with the year-end time is that it’s easy to get lured into the rush of resolutions and set overambitious goals that are unsustainable and, at times, unrealistic. This results in failure to achieve them and makes us feel worse than before we started. But, do not worry. Puravida Fitness is here to help! Read on to know the most common mistakes people make with their fitness resolutions.

1. Not having a clear purpose with SMART goals and well laid-out action plans
Most people do not realize how important it is to give your brain a specific destination. Most people have vague goals like ‘get in shape’ or ‘lose weight’ but fail to clearly define clear targets and outline key action steps to get there. The best way to overcome this is to take some time in a quiet place to write these vital things down. Use the SMART goal format. Specific- Example, how much weight do you want to lose or a clothing size to get down to, etc. Measurable- There has to be a way to accurately track if you are making progress or not Attainable- Be realistic with your age, ability, and schedule. Relevant- Make sure this goal supports other areas of your life. Timely- Create a self-imposed deadline like a vacation or sign up for a 5k.

Most importantly, define WHY you want to do this. If it drives up emotion, then it’s a good reason, but if it’s out of guilt or trying to please others, it won’t last. Then outline 3-5 key action steps you can do consistently to move forward. 

2. Incomplete programs
Many people only focus on one aspect like cardio or dieting with weight loss. This usually really hampers results and leads to plateaus. An effective fitness plan incorporates strength training, flexibility, cardiovascular training, and a solid nutrition program. An excellent way to know if our program is solid is to have a fitness professional review it to ensure you have the right mix of modalities in your program.  

3. Not putting enough focus on nutrition
There is a saying that you can’t outwork a bad diet. It is true. You see many people in the gym all the time but never look any different. That is because what they do outside the gym does not match their gym efforts. Nutrition is 80% of your results. If you really want to see your body change, there needs to be a consistent focus here. A high-quality nutrition program focuses on developing habits that stay with the person for the long term keeping them from going into a yo-yo dieting cycle.

4. No support or accountability
If you are like most people, your track record for sticking with a fitness plan is probably mediocre at best. Left to our own devices, it’s much easier to skip workouts and cheat on your nutrition plan, which obviously sabotages any progress. However, when we check in with someone, we will always perform better. Hire a trainer or find a reliable workout buddy to get the accountability and encouragement you need to keep moving forward.

To avoid these and other mistakes people make with their fitness resolutions, reach out to Puravida Fitness - Fitness Gym in Lakeville, Minnesota. We have fitness trainers whose schedules, specialties, and personalities match yours. Whether you are recovering from a severe injury or are brand new to exercise, we work with all levels of fitness. We assure results with structure, accountability, and progressions through our coaching and training.

We believe success is a journey and everyone who walks through our doors is at a different place in their health and fitness journey. Our trainers have their own unique personalities and approaches to teaching so every class and training session is different. We meet people where they are at, no matter their fitness level and specialize in helping our clients live their best life in mind, body and spirit!

For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions regarding achieving your new year’s fitness resolutions, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here

